Esteem Girls Inc.
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
Party Like a Princess
Jamie Grace (Party Like a Princess)
News and Events
Were enrolling:
Stem Based Preschool
Be an official Esteem Girls Chapter Leader
*Start an Esteem Girls Lab
*Labs can be hosted in schools, universities, libraries, community centers, organizations, nonprofits, or homes. Chapter leaders can be teachers, parents, family members, librarians, or volunteers from any background or field.
You'll need:
1. At least 5 girls to enroll
2. A space
3. Lab stem kit provided by Esteem Girls which includes the curriculum
1. 21 years or older
2. Yearly lab chapter membership, $100.00 (receive curriculum as long as club fees are current) (new lesson received every month)
3. Child abuse and criminal background check
4. Handle administrative details of the lab such as securing space, recruiting students, and serve as an official Esteem Girls Chapter Leader
5. Host the club 1-2 times a month for 1-2 hours
7. Be the facilitator or recruit one
8. That's it, then start your chapter!
Founder Renee Harris, Is a new author of a children's stem book, "Look What I Can Be." “Look What I Can Be” is about an Esteem girl who journeys through stem world exploring stem careers. She gives girls confidence that they can do it too! This is a must have for every girl to inspire her to pursue STEM Careers. You can choose between a light or brown girl featured in the story to represent all girls. It includes a 44-page full color book with a periodic table, stem experiment, and activities. It’s appropriate for girls ages 4-12. She is doing a pre-ordering campaign and need your support. Books can be ordered for only $26.96. As a thank you for your commitment, for every book or pledge made you will receive a signed copy of the book.
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The Esteem Girls Inc. family is excited to share with you our ongoing and upcoming programs and activities. Revisit our website to get the latest news and updates.